Catch Me on Observable
Jan 13 2021
After many months of being intrigued yet afraid of Observable, I have finally decided to dive in and check it out. For those unaware, Observable is a fantastic resource/community for anyone wanting to experiment and build things on the internet, especially for visualization and creative coding. An improvement upon Mike Bostock’s bl.ocks, Bostock and company created a wonderful and easy way to build via interactive web-enabled notebooks, which allows for quick building and easy collaboration. If you do any data visualization in D3 or generative art in p5, I would highly recommend checking it out.
In the last few days, I’ve been using it a place to work on my D3 chops, most notably by recreating some of my favorite visualizations from around the web (and one of my own). I also finally decided to try playing around with d3-force
and ended up putting together a little tutorial (see below or here).
In the weeks and months to come, I’ll keep playing around and things will pop up on my page over time. I hope to see you over there on Observable!